Appendix II

The Lectures on Faith, to which reference has been made in the articles in this book, were a series of seven theological lessons given before the “school of elders” held in Kirtland during the winter of 1834–35. The school was held by the specific commandment of the Lord (D&C 88:127–141; 90:7–9, 13), and its purpose was to qualify the elders of the Church for their missions to preach the gospel to the nations.
The Lectures on Faith, or “lectures on theology” as they were originally known (HC II 176, 180), were prepared by the Prophet Joseph Smith as part of a course of instruction for the school. Subsequently they were revised and edited by him for publication in the book of Doctrine and Covenants, and thereafter continued to be published as part of the Doctrine and Covenants until they were removed with the publication of the 1921 edition.
A number of Latter-day Saint scholars and historians who have attempted to research the origin of those Lectures have cast doubt on Joseph Smith’s authorship of all or parts of them. Their conclusions, however, have generally been based on very spurious and doubtful evidence. There is no concrete, documentary evidence to support such a claim; and what circumstantial evidence exists points to Joseph Smith as being the author. See the introduction to a new edition of the Lectures on Faith published by Antum Publications (3rd ed., December 18, 2021. ISBN: 978-1-8381250-4-2) for more detail.
Because of the importance of the doctrines contained in lecture V, and the frequent reference made to it in the articles in this book, the full text of this lecture is provided here for ease of reference. Lecture V is the shortest of the seven lectures that comprise the Lectures on Faith, but it contains the profoundest doctrines. This lecture also has a lengthy catechism attached to it which is not included in this appendix.



1 In our former lectures we treated of the being, character, perfections and attributes of God. What we mean by perfections is, the perfections which belong to all the attributes of his nature. We shall in this lecture speak of the Godhead: we mean the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
2 There are two personages who constitute the great, matchless, governing and supreme power over all things; by whom all things were created and made that are created and made, whether visible or invisible—whether in heaven, on earth, or in the earth, under the earth, or throughout the immensity of space—they are the Father and the Son: The Father being a personage of spirit, glory, and power, possessing all perfection and fulness: The Son, who was in the bosom of the Father, a personage of tabernacle made or fashioned like unto man, or being in the form and likeness of man—or rather, man was formed after his likeness and in his image. He is also the express image and likeness of the personage of the Father, possessing all the fulness of the Father, or the same fulness with the Father, being begotten of him, and was ordained from before the foundation of the world to be a propitiation for the sins of all those who should believe on his name; and is called the Son because of the flesh—and descended in suffering below that which man can suffer; or in other words suffered greater sufferings, and was exposed to more powerful contradictions than any man can be; but notwithstanding all this he kept the law of God, and remained without sin; showing thereby that it is in the power of man to keep the law, and remain also without sin. And also that by him a righteous judgment might come upon all flesh; and that all who walk not in the law of God may justly be condemned by the law, and have no excuse for their sins. And he being the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, and having overcome, received a fulness of the glory of the Father, possessing the same mind with the Father, which mind is the Holy Spirit that bears record of the Father and the Son. And these three are one; or in other words, these three constitute the great, matchless, governing and supreme power over all things; by whom all things were created and made that were created and made; and these three constitute the Godhead, and are one—the Father and the Son possessing the same mind, the same wisdom, glory, power and fulness, filling all in all; the Son being filled with the fulness of the mind, glory, and power; or in other words the Spirit, glory, and power of the Father; possessing all knowledge and glory, and the same kingdom; sitting at the right hand of power, in the express image and likeness of the Father, a mediator for man; being filled with the fulness of the mind of the Father; or in other words, the Spirit of the Father; which Spirit is shed forth upon all who believe on his name and keep his commandments. And all those who keep his commandments shall grow up from grace to grace, and become heirs of the heavenly kingdom, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ—possessing the same mind, being transformed into the same image or likeness, even the express image of him who fills all in all—being filled with the fulness of his glory, and become one in him, even as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one.
3 From the foregoing account of the Godhead, which is given in his revelations, the Saints have a sure foundation laid for the exercise of faith unto life and salvation through the atonement and mediation of Jesus Christ, by whose blood they have a forgiveness of sins; and also a sure reward laid up for them in heaven, even that of partaking of the fulness of the Father and the Son through the Spirit. As the Son partakes of the fulness of the Father through the Spirit, so the saints are, by the same Spirit to be partakers of the same fulness, to enjoy the same glory; for as the Father and the Son are one, so in like manner the saints are to be one in them. Through the love of the Father, the mediation of Jesus Christ, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, they are to be heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.